The Call to Arise every Apostolic, Anointed, and Appointed woman from the 4 corners of the earth to awaken, reignite, and position themselves in the truth of their call and grace! The Setbacks, the derails, the misunderstood gift in you, the No’s and everything in between, ends today! In this Immersive you will reawaken to “CHAYIL WOMAN” Gifted and drawn into all understanding of the facets within you from diverse influences in business and entrepreneurial graces to Radical Governmental graces called to Shift networks, and shift atmospheres by what you fully carry. WE ARE CALLING ALL OF YOU TO THE FRONT & GIVING YOU RIGHTFUL PERMISSION TO ADVANCE.
In this Apostolic Women Intensive you will learn:
1. To identify and affirm the Apostolic Grace and/or Office on your life & to Clarify with precision the Avenues of Skill that marry another that hosts ur abilities as a Kingdom network
2. The Governmental Grace and architecture you stand under that supersedes anointing and office and establishes Jurisdiction everywhere you go that shifts cultures and atmospheres
3. An immersive drenched in unlocking the keys you hold and carry that breed open your God-given Rights in the kingdom to your full inheritance.
Basic Package includes Live ZOOM Teachings, Facebook Community Group, Recorded Replays & Schedule. Times of Zooms 2pm & 8pm CST
End of EARLYBIRD Full Basis Rate
Basic Package includes Live ZOOM Teachings, Facebook Community Group, Recorded Replays & Schedule. Times of Zooms 2pm & 8pm CST.
Includes Basic Package PLUS EXTRA BONUS DAY Teaching, Impartation, & Q& A one-on-one time With Jessie Liv
Please type the amount of your chosen subscription in the “Custom amount” field and comment the name of your course. We will send you an email with the link to the Facebook group where the course will take place.