Are you ready for Part2 of our EAGLE SUMMIT, “BUILD”!? You all have asked for round 2 and we could be more excited to add another influencer leader to our Summit this round! After a series of dreams including eagles and the scene observations of repairing, building, and establishing the vision . We were compelled to join forces in a power packed equipping, developing And transformational course that will thrust an apostolic and prophetic new breed into their assignment as a master kingdom builder! Builder of what ? The vision of your life, scroll , destiny and dream! 
Have you lost your God given dream? Are you visionless and without a resounding active purpose? Have you gotten lost in the debris of warfare? Are you searching and longing for a fresh activation of life and anointing to SOAR & BUILD? 
In BUILD EAGLE SUMMIT You will learn:
-How to reestablish your hand to the plow
-How to rebuild your God Assignment and mandate from ruin. Barreness or desolation. 
-How to regain tools, heart, and biblical principles to sustain it and conquer!
-Strategy and A new Paradym of a Prophetic and ox like Builder in our times
– Edification, impartation into the life and knowledge of a Samuel Company ! As his biblical parables come to life! 
-How to use your God given gifting to accompany and grace you for your hands to build and prosper! 
It is time to BUILD & see it COME TO PASS!
VIP BONUS Holds all EARLYBIRD Basic Sessions + All individual 4 minister teachings, Bonus Roundtable & Revelation Tank ZOOM WEBINAR

See you there

Early Bird

Basic Session Teachings only with Host Apostle Jessie Liv.

Special has Ended

VIP Intensive

Basic session Teachings + All 4 ministers seperate sessions, Roundtable, Revelation Tank Webinar.



Please type the amount of your chosen subscription in the “Custom amount” field and comment the name of your course. We will send you an email with the link to the Facebook group where the course will take place.